2024年10月11日 星期五

More than 9,700 technical intern trainees disappear from their workplaces, a record high

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

職場から失踪した技能実習生 過去最高の9700人余に

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More than 9,700 technical intern trainees disappear from their workplaces, a record high

It was revealed that the number of foreign technical intern trainees who were learning skills while working in Japan but disappeared from their workplaces last year had reached a record high of more than 9,700. One of the reasons for this was that "transfers" to change the place of work were not permitted in principle, and the government was taking measures.

According to a summary by the Immigration Services Agency, 9,753 technical intern trainees disappeared from their workplaces last year, an increase of 747 from the year before last, the highest number ever.

This was about 1 in 50 technical intern trainees in total, and by country, Vietnam had the most with 5,481, followed by Myanmar with 1,765, China with 816, and Cambodia 694 and so forth.

By occupation, construction was the most common at 47.1%, followed by agriculture at 8.6%, food manufacturing at 8.5%, and machinery/metals 7.9%.

Technical intern trainees were not allowed to change their place of work unless there were "unavoidable circumstances", so it was said that there had been a series of disappearances due to troubles at work etc.

For this reason, the Immigration Services Agency of Japan had clarified the conditions for allowing "transfers", stating that specific examples of "unavoidable circumstances" included cases where a trainee had been subjected to assault or harassment, or a serious and malicious violation of laws and regulations.

In addition, measures such as allowing fellow trainees to "transfer" if they had been victims of harassment had been taken.

Current and future measures in dealing with missing persons

The measures taken by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan included measures to support trainees, such as allowing them to work during the "transfer" procedure was in progress.

As part of the measures, in response to the fact that some trainees were unable to work during the transfer process and struggle to make ends meet, the government would allow them to work up to 28 hours a week if needed.

In addition, new formats for the documents needed for the transfer process would be prepared in the trainees' native language.

After three years, the Technical Intern Training System would be abolished and a new Development Employment System would begin, relaxing the requirements for transfer.

After working at their original workplace for one to two years, trainees could move to another company at their own request as long as they remain in the same field of work.

So, the number of technical intern trainees working in Japan who disappeared from their workplaces has reached a record high last year. In response, the government will abolish the present system and use a new one  in order to relax the requirements for work transfer. I am wondering, under the current system, how many disappeared trainees have become illegal residents in the country.

