2024年10月4日 星期五


Recently Reuters reported the following:

Chinese investors rush into stocks for fear of missing out on epic rally

Reuters - By Samuel Shen and Summer Zhen

September 30, 20243:45 PM GMT+8Updated 3 days ago

SHANGHAI/HONG KONG, Sept 30 (Reuters) -Animal spirits are back in China's stock market as investors rush into equities, galvanized by Beijing's policy bonanza and driven by fear of missing out on what some see as a rally of historic intensity.

Brokerages are bustling with retail clients and a burst of orders is jamming trading systems as investors rotate money out of bonds and deposits into stocks, leading to an explosion in stock turnover and a jump in yields.

"Deposit rates are too low, and real estate investment is no longer safe," said 30-year-old office worker Darren Wang, who started buying stocks using borrowed money.

"There's no other way to be rich other than redoubling bets on stocks. The market craze you see this time could be unprecedented."

Stocks have endured three years of gloom as economic activity struggled to return to pre-pandemic buoyancy while a debt crisis among property developers rippled through markets.

That gloom suddenly turned into euphoria last week as the blue-chip CSI300 Index surged 16 percent for its best week since 1998, after the government announced a volley of stimulus including interest rate cuts and a US$114 billion war chest to boost share prices.

Many of the policies are yet to be implemented and there is no guarantee they can fundamentally improve business conditions or cure economic illnesses, including the prolonged property crisis and anemic consumption. Even so, investors said they are following the money.

"Life has been tough for so long and finally it's time to make some money," said Wen Hao, a manager at a tech startup in Hangzhou who bought energy stocks on Monday.

He drew parallels to the bull run of 2015 when Shanghai's stock benchmark doubled in just six months, citing huge sums of "state-backed money on their way into the stock market".

The central bank last week unveiled a swap program initially worth 500 billion yuan (US$71.30 billion) to fund stock purchases by brokers, funds and insurers. It will also create a 300-billion-yuan re-lending facility to fund share buy-backs by listed companies. Both schemes are set to be expanded.

China's CSI300 Index surged more than 8 percent on Monday, extending last week's 16 percent jump. Shanghai stocks shot up more than 7 percent while Shenzhen shares soared more than 10 percent, with combined turnover of 2.6 trillion yuan exceeding the bull run a decade ago.

"The 2014-15 bull run was funded by illegal margin financing. This time, the central bank is offering the leverage," said a hedge fund manager who was not authorized to speak with the media so declined to be identified.

"Investors are rushing into stocks because there's state backing," the manager said, adding that difficulty making macro-economic projections means the rally is more about liquidity and mood than fundamental conditions or corporate prospects.

Signaling official assent for the rally, the China Securities Journal said in an editorial on Monday that reviving stocks and boosting investor confidence will aid the country's economic recovery, breaking a vicious cycle of curbed investment and damaged sentiment.

Brokerages nationwide, which were quiet just a week ago, are now brimming with investors eager to open accounts or borrow money to trade. Such is the demand that clearing services were unusually open at the weekend approving new accounts.

Guotai Junan Securities has arranged additional staff at branches to handle surging account opening requests for the upcoming National Day golden week holiday and to cover non-working hours, showed an internal notice seen by Reuters.

Guotai Junan Securities did not immediately reply to Reuters' request for comment.

Zion Zhong, a customer manager at Citic brokerage's Suzhou branch, said the margin financing business has suddenly become busy.

Another manager at a Citic outlet in Shanghai also described a surge in business activity.

"More people are opening stock accounts; more queries about margin financing... We're many times busier than previously," the manager said.

The sudden surge in buy orders triggered transaction delays on Friday at Shanghai's stock exchange. The bourse conducted tests over the weekend to ensure network reliability.


In a sign that money is rotating out of safer assets, China's 30-year treasury bond futures hit a two-month low on Monday after slumping 3.6 percent last week - their worst-ever week.

"A money migration of epic scale is coming - trillions are shifting out of bond funds, wealth management and other fixed-income products, into equities," Zhao Jian, head of Atlantis Finance Research Institute, wrote in a client note on Sunday.

Three years of bear market has fostered tens of millions of short-term investors who yearn to have their money back, so "the bull run will power ahead with few decent corrections," Zhao said, predicting many will end up out of pocket when the market inevitably turns.

Veteran individual trader Wu Jie, 48, said he felt bewildered by the sudden change of mood.

"The economy remains in bad shape," said Wu, who is currently light in his stock position.

"But if you look at the trading volume, the rally will likely be sustained. I have cash ready, and I'm waiting for a major correction so that I can get in."


路透上海/香港930 - 中國股市的動物精神重新回歸,投資者在北京的政策刺激下湧入股市,並擔心錯過被一些人認為是歷史性的強力反彈。


30 歲的上班族Darren Wang: 「存款利率太低,房地產投資不再安全」, 他開始用借來的錢買股票。



上週,在政府宣布一系列刺激措施(包括降息和撥款1,140 億美元的應急備用基金)以提振股價後,藍籌股滬深300 指數飆升16%,創1998 年以來表現最好的一周,憂鬱情緒突然變成了歡欣鼓舞。


杭州一家科技新創公司的經理Wen Hao週一購買了能源股,他表示:“生活已經艱難了這麼久,終於是時候賺點錢了。”




2014-15年的大牛市是透過非法保證金融資提供資金的。這一次,央行提供了槓桿」; 一位未獲授權接受媒體採訪、因此拒絕透露姓名的對沖基金經理表示。




路透社看到的一份內部通知顯示,Guotai Junan證券已在其分行增派員工,以應對即將到來的國慶黃金周假期激增的開戶請求,並彌補休息時間。

Guotai Junan證券沒有立即回覆路透社的置評請求。

中信券商蘇州分公司客戶經理Zion Zhong表示,孖展融資業務突然變得繁忙起來。






亞特蘭提斯金融研究院院長Zhao Jian週日在一份客戶報告中寫道:“大規模的資金遷移即將到來- 數萬億美元正在從債券基金、理財和其他固定收益產品轉向股票。”

三年的熊市,培育了數千萬渴望回本的短線投資者,Zhao, 所以“牛市將強勢前進,沒有什何一些改變的理由”,並預測當市場不可避免地轉向時,許多人最終會賠錢。

個別資深交易員48歲的Wu Jie說,他對市場情緒的突然變化感到困惑。



              So, China’s central bank last week unveiled a swap program to fund stock purchases by brokers, funds, and insurers. It will also create a 300-billion-yuan re-lending facility to fund share buy-backs by listed companies.  China's stock market soars as investors rush into equities, galvanized by Beijing's policy bonanza and driven by fear of missing out. Investors are rushing into stocks because there's state backing and a money migration of epic scale is coming - trillions are shifting out of bond funds, wealth management and other fixed-income products, into equities. I am interested in knowing whether this bull run will jump start the Chinese economy as a whole eventually.

