2023年7月29日 星期六

``The thumb emoji is to agree'', Canadian court ordered farmer to pay 11 million yen for breach of contract

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

「親指の絵文字は同意」、農家に契約不履行で1100万円の支払い命令 カナダ裁判所

2023.07.08 Sat posted at 12:48 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN) カナダの農家がテキストメッセージで送られてきた購入契約書の写真に親指を立てる絵文字で返信したものの、作物を納入しなかった問題を巡る裁判で、カナダの裁判所は8日までに、当事者間で意思の合致があったとして、農家に契約不履行で8万2000ドル(約1100万円)の支払いを命じた。












New York (CNN) A Canadian farmer who gave a thumbs-up emoji to a photo on a purchase contract sent by text message but failed to deliver his crops was ordered by a Canadian court on the 8th to pay a farmer $82,000 (about 11 million yen) for breach of contract, as there was agreement between the parties.

According to Saskatchewan court documents In March 2021, a purchasing manager at Southwest Terminals (SWT) Ltd. sent a text message to a supplier wishing to purchase flax for $17 a bushel. As for the delivery date, from October to December of the same year was hoped.

After speaking on the phone with farmer Chris Achter and others, SWT drafted a contract under which Achter would sell 86 metric tons of flax at $17 a bushel, with delivery in November.

A representative for SWT signed the contract and sent a photo of the contract to Achter on his mobile phone with the message, "Please confirm the flax contract."

According to court documents, Achter responded with a thumbs-up emoji.

But Achter did not deliver flax in November. By November, flax prices had reached $41 a bushel.

A spokesperson for SWT said in court documents that it had made at least four other previous text-message agreements with Achter. The only difference this time, he said, was that Mr. Achter responded with a thumbs-up emoji instead of saying "OK."

On the other hand, Achter said, “The thumbs-up emoji simply confirms receipt of the contract and does not confirm acceptance of the terms of the contract.”

A court judge said an agreement appeared to have been reached "at least verbally." He explained is judgment that "In my opinion, all things considered, the pictograms represent acceptance of the contract on flax, rather than simply receiving and considering the contract. A reasonable observer with all the context would come to an objective understanding that there was a mutual agreement between the parties".

The judge ordered Mr. Achter to pay $82,000 plus interest and costs associated with failing to deliver the flax.

CNN had reached out to both parties for comment, but so far there was no response.

              So, a response with a thumbs-up emoji to a contract in the mobile phone could represent acceptance of a contract. So, be careful when using the thumbs-up emoji.

