2021年11月6日 星期六

Railway connecting China and Laos - to open with a total length of 1000 km

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

中国とラオスを結ぶ鉄道、線路開通 全長1000キロ

2021.10.20 Wed posted at 12:54 JST

 (CNN) 中国と隣国ラオスを結ぶ新しい鉄道の線路が開通した。中国が巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の下で進める初の国際鉄道網プロジェクトとなる。







 (CNN) A new railroad track connecting China and neighboring Laos was opened. This would be the first international railway network project that China was promoting under the "One Belt, One Road" giant economic zone concept.

The railway connected Vientiane, the capital of Laos, with Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan in China. Forty-five stations had be set up between the two countries, of which about 20 would operate passenger services.

China Railway Group issued a statement, emphasizing that the railroad would transform Laos from a land-closed country to a land-tied country. Freight trains and passenger trains connecting the two countries could start operating by the end of the year.

At present, the total length of the railway would more than 1000 km. It took about 3 hours traveling from Kunming to Jinghong which bordered Laos.

According to state media, the railway linking China and Laos was scheduled to go into full operation in December.

China invested heavily in railroad construction in the last decade, and its high-speed rail network had been extended by 37,900 kilometers since 2008. It was also investing in railway projects in other countries, such as Kenya in Africa.

              So, this new railway line will connect China and Laos. I would like to know how this rail line can benefit the economy of Laos.

