2021年11月24日 星期三


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Chinese leaders issue official history to elevate Xi

Thu., November 11, 2021, 2:37 a.m.

BEIJING (AP) — China's leaders have approved a resolution on the history of the ruling Communist Party that was expected to set the stage for President Xi Jinping to extend his rule next year.

The official Xinhua News Agency said the resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the party was adopted during a four-day meeting of its Central Committee that ended Thursday.

The move is expected to give Xi status beside the ruling Communist Party's most important figures. The statement is only the third statement of its kind in the party's 100-year history after one issued under Mao Zedong, who led the party to power in 1949, and Deng Xiaoping, who launched reforms that turned China into an economic powerhouse.

Issuing a similar statement under Xi would confirm he has amassed enough authority to ignore two-decade-old party practice that says he should step down next year when his second five-year term as general secretary ends.

The party removed term limits on Xi’s post as president in 2018, indicating his intention to stay in power.

The history statement is expected to emphasize the party's successes in overseeing China's economic rise and likely ignore deadly political violence in its early decades in power and growing complaints about human rights abuses.

When term limits on the presidency were abolished in 2018, officials told reporters Xi might need more time to make sure economic and other reforms were carried out.

Xi faces no obvious rivals, but a bid to say in power has the potential to alienate younger party figures who might see their chances for promotion diminished.

Also, political scientists point to the experience of other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and warn long periods of one-person rule lead to worse official decisions and economic performance.

Xi has used his control of the party’s vast propaganda apparatus to promote his image.

State media associate him with national successes including fighting the coronavirus, China’s rise as a technology creator and last year’s successful lunar mission to bring back moon rocks.

The 1981 assessment under Deng distanced the party from the violent upheaval of the ultra-radical 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.

By contrast, Xi has promoted a positive image of the party's early decades in power and called for it to revive its “original mission” as China's leading economic, political and cultural force.

(The Associated Press)


北京(美聯社)- 中國領導人已經批准了一項關於執政共黨歷史的決議,預計將為習近平主席明年延長執政奠定基礎。


預計此舉將使習近平与執政的共黨最重要人物獲得並列地位。該聲明是繼 1949 年領導黨上台的毛澤東, 和發起改革使中國成為經濟強國的鄧小平發表聲明之後,黨 100 年曆史上的第三份此類聲明。


該黨在 2018 年取消了習近平主席職位的任期限制,表明他打算繼續執政。


2018 年取消總統任期限制時,官員告訴記者,習近平可能需要更多時間來確保經濟和其他改革得以實施。




官方媒體將他與國家的成功聯繫起來,包括抗擊冠狀病毒、中國作為技術創造者的崛起, 以及去年成功帶回月球岩石的月球任務。

1981 年鄧小平領導下的評估使黨與 1966-76 年極端激進的文化大革命的暴力動盪保持距離。


              So, China's leaders have approved a resolution on the history of the ruling Communist Party that is expected to set the stage for President Xi Jinping to extend his rule next year. Obviously, the merit of this decision is to have a continuous national policy.

