2021年11月26日 星期五

COP26 就 “化石燃料” 文件達成共識 - 表現倒退

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

COP26、「化石燃料」言及の文書で合意 表現は後退

2021.11.14 Sun posted at 11:06 JST

スコットランド・グラスゴー(CNN) 英グラスゴーで開かれている国連気候変動枠組み条約第26回締約国会議(COP26)は13日、気候変動の原因として化石燃料に初めて言及した成果文書で合意に達した。ただし、代表的な化石燃料である石炭の使用をめぐる表現が当初案より弱まったことに対し、失望の声も上がっている。








English Translation

Glasgow, Scotland (CNN) - The 26th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26) held in Glasgow of Scotland reached an agreement on the 13th with an outcome document that first mentioned fossil fuels as a cause of climate change. However, there were some disappointments towards the expression about the use of coal, which was a typical fossil fuel, had weakened from the original plan.

This was the first time that the COP agreement document clearly stated measures regarding fossil fuels and coal. In particular, COP26 Chairman Sharma's main goal was to reach an agreement to phase out the use of coal, the largest source of greenhouse gases.

However, a bit earlier India disputed about using the phrase "gradual abolition" and this part was amended to "gradual reduction".

The amendments were verbally announced by Mr. Sharma, but Switzerland's Environment Minister Sommaruga complained that the process was "lacking transparency" and expressed "disappointment" with the agreement.

The outcome document, towards the participating countries / regions on greenhouse gas reduction, called for review on the 2030 target for reference in COP27 to be held in Egypt next year, in order to keep the average temperature rising within 1.5 degrees Celsius from before the Industrial Revolution.  The target review was initially set to be done at 2025, and now was advanced forward.

On the other hand, no agreement was reached on a mechanism for developed countries to provide financial support for the "losses and damages" of developing countries affected by climate change.

Finance Minister Paeniu of Tuvalu, a South Pacific Island nation facing the threat of rising sea levels, also expressed disappointment, emphasizing that countries needed to put their promises into action.

US officials had told CNN that the United States has opposed funding for losses and damages. According to one source, the European Union (EU) had also resisted this.

Chinese Translation

蘇格蘭格拉斯哥 (CNN) - 26 屆聯合國氣候變化框架公約締約大會 (COP26) 13 日在蘇格蘭格拉斯哥達成共識,成果文件首次提到化石燃料是導致氣候變化的一個原因。然而,令人失望的是,煤炭是典型化石燃料,其使用的表述較原計劃有所減弱。

這是 COP 協議文件首次明確定出針對化石燃料和煤炭的措施。特別是,COP26 主席 Sharma 的目標是致力於達成一項協議,逐步淘汰煤炭作為最大的溫室氣體來源。


Sharma口頭宣布了修正案,但瑞士環境部長Sommaruga抱怨該過程 “缺乏透明度” ,並對協議表示 “失望”

達成文件在有關參與國/地區作出溫室氣體減排上, 要求檢討2030年的目標,令平均氣溫比工業革命前的上升幅度控制在1.5攝氏度以, 以便明年在埃及舉行的COP27會議中檢討。相最初設定為在 25 年去檢討目標, 作出了修改,把時間表推前。

另一方面,發達國家對於為受氣候變化影響的發展中國家因“損失和損害” 而提供資金支持的機制,也未達成一致。

面臨海平面上升威脅的南太平洋島國圖瓦盧 (Tuvalu)財政部長Paeniu也表示失望,強調各國需要將承諾付諸行動。


So, towards the participating countries / regions in carrying out greenhouse gas reduction, COP 26 calls for a review on the 2030 target, and will discuss this in COP27 to be held in Egypt next year.

