2020年12月15日 星期二

UK - The first person to start vaccination is a 90-year-old woman

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ワクチン接種始まる、一番乗りは90歳の女性 英

2020.12.08 Tue posted at 19:24 JST

英ウェールズ・カーディフ(CNN) 英国で8日、米ファイザーと独ビオンテックが共同開発した新型コロナウイルスワクチンの接種が始まった。










Cardiff, Wales (CNN) The UK on the 8th had begun vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine that was jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNtech.

Last week, the country topped the list of Western countries to approve vaccines.

The first person was a 90-year-old Margaret Keenan. She completed the first vaccination at a university hospital in Coventry. She would receive the second vaccination after 3 weeks or more.

According to government guidelines, a card for the next vaccination appointment would be given. Immunization could be achieved in 7 to 10 days from the second vaccination.

The UK had ordered a total of 40 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, while the first batch could offer 800,000 doses. The target was limited to elderly people aged 80 and over, long-term care facility staff, and medical or social welfare workers working on the front lines. Residents of nursing homes could also be given priority, as the government had announced that they would be a little ahead.

Pfizer vaccine needed to be stored at ultra-low temperatures of about 70 degrees below zero.

The UK had also ordered 7 million doses of US Moderna vaccine, which the authorities was expected to approve it within a few weeks. They could be stored at 20 degrees below zero and was considered to be more suitable for use in nursing care facilities.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory board was expected to discuss Pfizer's vaccine at a meeting on Wednesday. The FDA's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) could be issued later this week.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had announced that it would make a final decision on the 29th of this month regarding the urgent approval of the vaccine.

              So, the British is the first country in the western world to begin a massive vaccination program to deal with the new coronavirus.

