2020年12月2日 星期三

Trump signs a presidential decree - to ban investment in Chinese military supporting companies

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:



2020.11.13 Fri posted at 10:10 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) トランプ米大統領は13日までに、中国軍によって所有または支配されていると米政権がみなす中国企業について、米国人による投資を禁止する大統領令に署名した。






New York (CNN Business) On the 13th, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning American to invest in Chinese companies that the US administration considered to be owned or controlled by the Chinese military.

The Presidential executive order targeted at 31 Chinese companies that the administration considered to support the "development and modernization" of the Chinese military and was a "directly threaten" to the US security.

The list of target companies includes Huawei, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment company, and Hikvision, a world leader in the manufacture and supply of surveillance cameras. Other companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, such as China Telecom and also China Mobile were also included in the list.

The Presidential Executive Order also prohibited US investors from holding or trading securities issued by the targeted companies or companies impacted by them. Holding directly or through holding them through a pension fund were also prohibited. Investors were required to sell the securities of the targeted company by November 2021.

The Presidential executive order would come into effect on January 11 next year. Conflicts over trade friction and technology were intensifying between the United States and China.

              So, companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, such as Hikvision, China Telecom and also China Mobile are on the list. I am wondering whether the conflicts will slow down when Trump leaves the White House.

