2020年12月29日 星期二

How well do dogs understand the owner's words? To verify it by measuring the brain

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

犬は飼い主の言葉をどの程度理解している? 脳の測定で検証

2020.12.09 Wed posted at 11:00 JST

(CNN) 犬は自分の言葉を全て理解してくれていると飼い主は思うかもしれないが、実は単語を逐一聞き取っているわけではない――。そんな調査結果が8日の学術誌に発表された。









(CNN) A dog owner might think that the dog understood all his words, but in reality it didn't listen to each word. The results of such a survey were published in an academic journal on the 8th.

Although dogs had "human-like" hearing abilities in interpreting speech, a research team explained that dogs could not distinguish between words as humans do.

A research team at the University of Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary conducted experiments with their dogs. Electrodes were attached to the dog's head, and brain waves were measured to examine brain activity.

In the experiment, a recorded voice played back instruction words such as "sit" that the dog remembered, and meaningless words such as "sut" which had similar pronunciation; the dog even listened to words "bep" and the like that had completely different pronunciations and had no meaning so as to examine the reaction.

As a result, it was found that the difference between the demonstrative words that the dog remembered and those completely meaningless words that had different pronunciation could be clearly distinguished. The researchers explained that "dog's brain activity is different when hearing a word that it remembers comparing to hearing a nonsensical word that has a completely different pronunciation, which means that the dog recognizes those words" .

However, it did not recognize the meaningless words that had similar pronunciations, and treated them  the same as those instruction words it had remembered.

A researcher explained that the "Dog doesn't seem to pay attention to every voice spoken," and that "a normal dog can learn only a few directives in his lifetime".

However, he said that the study was able to confirm that a dog could really listen to human words, and respond to the voice a person that it had never heard of before.

              So, this study shows that dogs are not very good at understanding human voice precisely.

