2020年12月14日 星期一

Singapore approves sales of artificially cultured chicken - the world's first

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


シンガポール、人工培養鶏肉の販売を承認 世界初

2020.12.03 Thu posted at 16:05 JST

 ロンドン(CNN Business) シンガポール食品庁(SFA)はこのほど、米サンフランシスコを拠点とする新興企業イート・ジャストに対し、実験室で培養した鶏肉の国内での販売を承認した。培養肉の販売を承認した国は世界で初めて。


同社のジョシュ・テトリック最高経営責任者(CEO)はCNN Businessに対し、人工鶏肉を使ったチキンナゲットについて、最初はシンガポールのレストラン1店で導入し、いずれ同国の飲食店や小売店で幅広く提供する予定だと明らかにした。







London (CNN Business) The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) had recently given an approval to a San Francisco-based start-up company Eat Just to sell laboratory-cultured chicken in Singapore. This was the first country in the world to approve the sale of cultured meat.

According to an announcement of East Just made on the 1st, the product was made from artificially cultured chicken cells and had been approved as a raw material for making chicken nuggets.

The company's CEO, Josh Tetric, told CNN Businesses to made clear that chicken nuggets made with artificial chicken could initially be introduced at a restaurant in Singapore and might eventually be widely offered at restaurants and retail stores in the same country.

"We've been eating meat for hundreds and thousands of years, until now, we always had to kill edible animals", Tetric pointed out.

According to the company, cultured meat was made with a device called "bioreactor" that caused biological reactions, and it was rich in proteins and minerals.

The company had manufacturing bases in Singapore and Northern California. So far, they had not obtained approval to sell cultured meat other than Singapore, but the company would like to expand its sales channels to Europe and the United States in the future.

Meat substitutes and plant-derived proteins were already gaining popularity in the United States, and this trend was taking root in Asia.

Despite the global economic turmoil caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, the Impossible Foods, an American plant-derived protein company, had raised $500 million in new funding this year. The financiers were mainly leading Asian investors.

              So, probably this new chicken meat could add new strengths to the spread of healthy food business in Asia.

