2020年11月5日 星期四

Survey: Strong trust in science: 38% in the United States and a big gap between the left and right factions

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

科学を強く信頼、米国は38% 左右両派に大きな溝 調査

2020.10.24 Sat posted at 17:30 JST

 (CNN) 米世論調査機関「ピュー・リサーチ・センター」は24日までに、新型コロナウイルスの蔓延(まんえん)が世界的に進む中で科学に対する信頼感の度合いを探る国際調査を実施し、米国では左右両派寄りの立場に従って最も大きな意見の対立が見られたと報告した。







(CNN) The Pew Research Center, a US pollster, conducted an international survey up to the 24th to explore the degree of confidence in science as the epidemic of the new coronavirus spreading worldwide. It reported that in the US the biggest disagreement was seen according to the left and right position of the two sides.

According to the survey results, in the US 38% of the adults showed strong confidence that scientists were doing the right thing for the country. However, there was a big difference of 62% for the left wing, and 20% for the right wing.

In addition, 56% expressed a great sense of trust in the US military. In the case of news media, it was 13%, business leaders were 11%, and the federal government 8%.

The survey also addressed concerns such as widespread vaccination of children and climate change. In the United States, opinions on climate change issues also revealed that there was a big gap between liberals and conservatives. Among the survey participants, 63% of said that the US government had insufficient measures against climate change.

This survey was conducted from October last year to March this year, with more than 32,000 interviews in 20 countries. From a global perspective, widespread confidence in science stands out.

In the United States, amidst the outbreak of the new corona and its spreading, public health experts had publicly lamented the politicization of science. The problems included the pros and cons of wearing masks, political pressure to rush to secure vaccines, and doubts about the measures launched by public health leaders who were in charge of managing the new corona measures.

              So, it is amazing to note that the pros and cons of wearing masks during a pandemic can become a topic for debate in the US. In Asian countries no one will question about the usefulness of wearing masks as a tool to fight Covid-19. Is there a cultural difference between the east and the west in this respect?

