2020年11月6日 星期五

Discovered a nest of "Murder wasp": the first in the United States – Washington State

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

「殺人スズメバチ」の巣を発見、米国で初か ワシントン州

2020.10.24 Sat posted at 12:50 JST

(CNN) 米ワシントン州農務省(WSDA)の研究者は22日、同州ブレーンの土地で、「殺人スズメバチ」の異名で知られるオオスズメバチの巣を発見した。米国でオオスズメバチの巣が発見されたのは初とみられている。







(CNN) Researchers at the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) discovered a nest of the giant hornet, also known as “Murder wasp”, on land in Blaine of Washington on the 22nd. It was believed to be the first time a giant hornet nest had been found in the United States.

The WSDA research team first used a new trap to capture giant hornets and then attached a wireless tracking device to each individual. When proceeded with the investigation using this as a clue, a nest in the hollow of a tree standing on private land was found. WSDA members witnessed dozens of giant hornets entering and exiting the trees.

The giant hornet was an invasive alien species in the United States and was first discovered in Washington State last December. It was said to be the largest wasp in the world and fed on insects such as honeybees. Even a small group of giant hornets was said to have the ability to annihilate bee nests within hours.

It usually nested in the ground, but it could also live in dead trees.

According to WSDA, the owner of the private land allowed the nest to be removed and the tree to be removed if necessary. WSDA would remove the tree on the 24th local time.

In Washington, WSDA had set traps around the country, and entomologists were tracking their sightings, and when nests were found, work would be taken to eliminate them.

              So, probably due climate changes, places previous too cold for the giant hornets have become suitable for them to live and prosper now. I think this is just a tip of an iceberg: many minute changes are taking place in our natural environment everyday without being noticed by us.

