2020年11月4日 星期三

Discovered an unknown organ in human throats - announced by a Dutch research team

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2020.10.22 Thu posted at 11:09 JST

(CNN) オランダの研究チームが、これまでの医学では知られていなかった臓器が人ののどの奥に見つかったとして、このほど医学誌に研究結果を発表した。

発表を行ったのはオランダがん研究所などの研究チーム。鼻腔(びくう)と咽頭(いんとう)がつながる部分の頭蓋骨(ずがいこつ)の中に、未知の腺が隠れているのを発見した。同チームは「tubarial glands」という名称を提案している。


超音波やCTスキャン、磁気共鳴断層撮影(MRI)といった一般的な検査ではこの臓器は見つけられず、前立腺がんの転移を調べるPSMA PET/CTという先端のスキャン検査で初めて見つかった。





(CNN) A Dutch research team recently published a findings in a medical journal to claim that an organ previously unknown to medicine was found in the back of the human throat.

It was a research team from the Dutch Cancer Institute etc. that made the presentation. It found an unknown gland hidden in the skull where the nasal cavity and pharynx were connected. The team was proposing to name as the "Tabarial Glands".

This organ was found on a scan test to diagnose cancer metastasis. The research team also examined the scans of the heads and necks of 100 patients who were undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, and also dissected bodies of a man and a woman. It turned out that all of them had this organ in pair.

This organ was not found by regular examinations such as ultrasound, CT scan, and magnetic resonance tomography (MRI), but was first found by advanced scan examination called PSMA PET / CT, which examined the metastasis of prostate cancer.

The researcher who published the paper recalled, "I didn't think we could find something like this in 2020."

There was some debate as to whether this was a new organ or should be considered part of the salivary gland. With results from detailed examination, it was said that it could be proved to be a new organ both anatomically and functionally.

An expert at Rutgers University, who was familiar with pathology, pointed out that "about the human body there are still a lot to learn. Technology enables such discoveries. This may be the beginning of exciting discoveries in the body."

              I agree with the view point that, about the human body, there are still a lot to learn and new technologies will enable us to make new discoveries.

