Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:
戦前最大の右派新聞 約10年分見つかる
2019年8月9日 5時48分
日本の近代思想史が専門の京都大学大学院の福家崇洋 准教授は「記事を分析することで、大正デモクラシーで自由をおう歌していたはずの日本社会がどのように変化していったのか、クリアに把握できるはずだ」と話しています。
Up to now most of this newspaper had been lost, and it was
attracting attention among researchers as a valuable resource to unravel the
path on Japan heading for war.
What was found was the Nihon Shimbun, a daily newspaper
published from Taisho 14th to Showa 10th.
It was kept in the material collection of a group
established by former Prime Minister Shinichiro Hiranuma; about 3,000 days of
paper were left in an almost intact form, covering from the first publication to
its suspension in the 10th year.
The Nihon Shimbun, which had a daily circulation of merely
about 16,000 copies, had a wide readership among politicians, business leaders
and bureaucrats. Now most of the copies were lost. It was said that as the
largest right-wing media before the War, it spread the right-wing thoughts. Little
was known about its content in its first few years.
The newspaper had four pages, and the first issue had an
editorial policy called “Japanese-ism” that made the Emperor-centric state
system an absolute one. The headline was lined with violent words such as “a
fatal flaw of communism” and “cleaning up the Sovietized traitors”.
Japan was said to have developed a nationalistic trend
rapidly since the beginning of the Showa period, but it was expected that
analyzing the Nihon Shimbun in detail would provide a clue to the change in
speech and thought at that time.
Associate professor Takahiro Fukuya of Kyoto University
Graduate School who was specializing in the history of modern thought in Japan
said, “By analyzing the articles, you should be able to
clearly see how the Japanese society which should have been singing for freedom
at the Taisho Democracy was changed. "
About Nihon Shimbun
The Nihon Shimbun was first published in Taisho 14th
year by a politician who had served as the Justice Minister and also the
Minister of Railways from the Taisho to the early Showa period. At the time, high
spirit ultra-nationalists and nationalists wrote editorials and articles, and the newspaper had a circulation of about 16,000 copies.
At the time of the first publication those who began as
supporters later became politicians and soldiers such as Konoe Bunji and
Hideki Tojo who later served as the prime minister and linked up with the
names of top people in the business world. And from the center of right-wing
media of the country at that time, as an unusual daily newspaper, it reached
prominent local people and had a wide range of supporters and readers.
The Nihon Shimbun was published for approximately 3,000 days
spanned over a period of 10 years and was suspended in 1945. Most of the
newspaper left behind were burned during the war; and after the war it was lost
due to the harsh winds towards the right-wing media, and currently only the
paper’s last five years existed.
So, the finding
will help Japanese historians see how Japan, which had been embracing freedom during
the Taisho period, suddenly developed into a fascist state in the Showa period.