2019年8月13日 星期二

US - Sales of bulletproof rucksack increased in preparation for the new semester, successive shootings noted

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
新学期控え防弾リュックの売り上げ急増、相次ぐ銃乱射受け 米国
2019.08.09 Fri posted at 16:45 JST
  新学期を控えた米国で、通学のための防弾リュックの売り上げが急増している/courtesy TuffyPacks
Bullet proof  backpacks (Source: CNN)

(CNN) 米国で新学期を前に相次いだ銃乱射事件を受け、子どもに防弾リュックを買い与える保護者が急増している。CNNが過去10年の事件について検証した結果、学校での銃乱射は増加していることが判明。幼い子どもを持つ親の不安は特に大きい。










(CNN) In the United States, the number of parents who had purchased bulletproof backpacks for their children had increased rapidly following a series of shootings before the new semester. As a result of CNN's examination of incidents over the past 10 years, it was found that school shootings were increasing. Parents with young children were particularly worried.

In response to these concerns, companies such as Guard Dog Security, Bullet Blocker, and Tuffy Pack had launched bulletproof backpacks. In all cases, sales were increasing rapidly after the shooting.

Brett Blocker was founded by Joe Curran 12 years ago after shooting at the Virginia Tech which killed 33 people.

Karan, a police officer, made a backpack with bulletproof panels for two children attending school. The company was founded by the parents of classmates.

The price of bulletproof backpacks sold on the company's website ranged from $ 160 to $ 490 (¥ 17,000 to ¥ 52,000). Most bulletproof panels were sewn on the back. Since the shooting last week, sales had tripled.

Guarddog Security had been selling bulletproof backpacks since 2013, and since 2018 it had been handled by major retail chains such as Office Depots.

Tuffy Pack CEO Steve Naremore founded the company in 2015 after hearing from his school teacher's daughter that evacuation drills were often conducted at school.

About 95% of the customers who purchased the company's bulletproof backpack were parents or grandparents who were concerned about their children.

When a shootout happens, sales will increase exponentially over the next few weeks,”  Naremore said, revealing that last week's sales had almost quadrupled.

       So, parents of school students in the US were under constant fears that shootings can break out at anytime in schools.

