Recently reported the following:
認知症の発症リスク、健康的な生活習慣で低減か 英研究
2019.07.15 Mon posted at 17:46 JST
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(CNN) たとえ認知症を発症する確率が遺伝的に高い人でも、健康的な生活習慣を心がければリスクを低減する助けになるかもしれないという研究結果が、14日の医学誌JAMAに発表された。
Even people with a high genetic chance of developing
dementia might be able to reduce their risk if they had a healthy lifestyle, a
study was published in the medical journal JAMA on 14th.
The results of this study had been presented at a recent
international conference of the Alzheimer's Society.
The study found that among those who were considered to have
a high genetic risk of dementia, those who took care of their diet, exercise
habitually, with a minimum alcohol drank, and did not smoke were less likely to
develop dementia later.
The research team conducted a survey on 196,383 elderly
people over the age of 60 living in the UK from the year 2006 - 2010, and in
2016-17 conducted a follow-up survey study.
As a result, the rate of people who led healthy lives to
develop dementia later was 1.13%. Compared to 1.18% for those people who lived
a non-healthy life. This was a statistically important difference.
Researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School in
the UK which presented the presentation commented that it was "exciting to
find that there are things we can do to counter the genetic risk of
dementia" and explained that “maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regardless
of genetic risk, is linked to a decreased risk of dementia”.
However, the survey included all elderly people with
European roots and their lifestyles were self-reported.
Experts at the British Institute for Dementia Research said:
"For many people, the data has again shown that healthy living can help
prevent dementia. However, there are people who develop dementia even if they
try to live a healthy life."
So, good life
style could reduce the risk of dementia for many people. Indeed good life style
has many benefits.