A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the
2015年06月06日 08時40分
According to a demographic monthly statistics
report published on the 5th (June) by the Ministry of Health, Labor
and Welfare, regarding the yearly (rounded) "suicide rate", the number of suicide per population of 100,000 people in 2014 for Iwate prefecture was
0.2 points higher than last year to become 26.6, and was the worst in 28 years
in the whole country since 1986.
The rate
of death due to cerebro-vascular disease was 162.3 and was the worst in the whole
number of suicide in 2014 was 341 people, increased by 1 person compared with
last year. Akita
prefecture which had the worst suicide rate last year was 26.0, giving way to
Iwate prefecture to become the second. Iwate prefecture put the emphasis on the
training of suicide prevention advisors, and the number of suicides tended to
decrease in the past 10 years. The prefecture Health and Welfare department for
disability said that “it is a regrettable result. During a time of many
suicides etc., I would like to take some measures".
total fertility rate, which was used to express the estimated number of people
based on the number of children that a female would give birth to during her
life time, was 0.2 point lower than last year to become 1.44, slightly above
the national average (1.42).
It seems that both Iwate prefecture
and Akita prefecture have a higher suicide rate
in Japan .