2015年3月4日 星期三


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20150105 2020

The Department of Commerce’s export related documents showed that the Chinese government had abolished the export limit on rare earth.

 In August 2014 the advanced committee on dispute settlement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) announced a report that China's rare earth export regulations had violated the WTO agreement. The abolition was thought to be a response to that.

 Japanese companies had been working on the diversification of supply source and the development of substitutes so that their dependence on rare earth produced in China might be lowered. Therefore even if China’s export ceiling was abolished, it would be not clear whether Japanese companies would immediately increase the supply amount from China.

 China set up an export ceiling for reason of natural resource conservation. But because China’s own industry was being treated with preference, Japan, the United States and Europe filed a law-suit to WTO in 2012 and China was defeated. From now on there was a possibility that China might use export duty as a compensating measure.

It is an interesting trade dispute. I am interested to know whether China will use taxation to restrict the export of rare earth. 

