A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
スカイマーク、運賃を値下げ 客離れで方針転換
The SkyMark, which was at the 3rd
place in domestic airlines, announced that from March 29th it would reduce the
price of ordinary fare by about 9 % on average. Because of financial
difficulties it had just finished a price increase in October last year with an
average of about 28 %; it reverted back because of a drop in customers. The
departure and arrival flights at Haneda that had code-sharing with JAL and All
Nippon Airways had a direction of starting the adjustment from the end of March.
Regarding the price reduction it was the 19 domestic
lines among the 24 in the country. Haneda-Fukuoka would decrease by 4% to
become 25,900 yen, Haneda-Naha would fall 17 % to become 28,900 yen. Also,
limited to Sundays in April and May, it began ordinary
service at all routes for a fare of 5000 yen-10,000 yen. The boarding rate in December
last year was 54.5%; it was the first time in nine year to fall on the 50% level
in December.
On the code-sharing, the five routes that had departure
and arrival at Haneda would be operated together with JAL and ANA. President
Yoshiharu Ueki of JAL who held a press conference on this day said that "it is being devised to start in March", and ANA public relations also
supposed that "it is a forward looking adjustment".
this adjustment would help SkyMark retain some customers.