2014年8月30日 星期六

日本美國調査超過1万人: 血型同性格「沒有関連」

Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140719 2059
Kengo Nawata, a lecturer (social psychology) of the Kyushu University released the statistical analysis result which supposed that there was no scientific basis to suggest that blood type and personal character were related.

The survey data on over 10,000 people from Japan and the U.S. were analyzed. While character diagnosis saying that “blood type A people are serious" and "B type are self-centered" was widely believed in Japan, "blood type harassment" incident: discrimination in employment and personnel affairs etc. had been also pointed out, and was seen to have caused a stir.

The result of this research was published in a bulletin: the "Psychology Research" of the Japanese Psychological Association on June 25.

According to lecturer Nawata, although the view that connected character to a blood type had circulated in the country, it was hardly known overseas. It was said that after a related book was published in the 1970s that this view was spread by taking advantage of the introductions made by TV programs etc.

Lecturer Nawata noted the respondent's blood type as indicated in the survey sheet when a research team in the economics field made inquiries on various tastes in life etc. on over 10,000 people from Japan and the U.S. in 2004 - 05. Data were analyzed based on blood types to see whether the replies could show a difference.

As a result, in the replies to questions, out of a total of 68 items such as "prefer putting pleasure aside" and "should not gamble" etc., only three items such as "children’s future is worrisome" that showed a difference among the replies based on blood types; yet even such a difference was negligible. For this reason, "showing strongly that they were not related" was concluded.

Revolving around blood types, there were cases which perceived negatively the character of certain blood types; this was regarded as problematic. According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, cases that asked about blood type during employment interviews etc. would not come to an end. But as "a blood type is not related to functional skill or aptitude at all", the said Ministry would request companies not to ask about blood types. The Osaka labor bureau said that there were incidents that they gave out administrative guidance to correct those companies which had prepared columns in their recruitment application forms to ask about blood type etc.

It is an interesting finding.

