2014年8月17日 星期日


Yesterday the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

毎日新聞 20140816日 0004分(最終更新 0816日 0032分)

     In Osaka on the 15th , in Kamagasaki of the Nishinari district that had the biggest day-laborer town in Japan, singer Ms. Tokiko Kato (70) for the first time without pay appeared in the "Summer Festival"; the festival was a local traditional practice. Mr. Kato had held a concert 31 years ago at a gathering location commonly known as the "Triangular Park". She said that “I feel again the presence of people who can genuinely share staying alive together. I very much would like to come again next year".

An executive committee formed by supporters of day-laborers, street sleepers and single elderly people etc. was trying to make those people who were far away from their hometown to have a feeling of "home" in Kamagasaki by organizing a gathering during the Bon Festival since 1972.

One executive committee member noticed that Ms. Kato was saying that "I would like to hold a concert in Kamagasaki again" in November last year in the magazine "Big issue" which supported street sleepers to become self-sufficient. It was said that she readily gave her consent when a performance suggestion was sounded out through her agent office. Mr. Nobuyoshi Arai (52) of the executive committee said that "I want her to participate as a friend to speak about the poverty problem also".

In July 1983 Ms. Kato held a play-string-and-sing concert in the Triangular Park and collected contributions for building a place for workers' relaxation. When looking back she had "a feeling that her songs have reached those people who are not good looking yet faithful”.

On that day the rain was hitting, Ms. Kato sang ardently "One million roses", "The things who cultivate love" etc., and spoke to an audience of about 1000 people, saying that "although life is difficult, it is wonderful". She also participated in a memorial service which mourned those who had passed away in the streets etc. without any relative. People sang the song "Home Village" together.

I have heard the songs of Ms. Tokiko Kato before. It is nice to note that she is still singing for the poor people.

