2014年4月27日 星期日


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国 中央国家安全委員会 初の開催

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The first meeting of Central National Security Council which was newly established by the Communist Party of China was held on the 15th. Viewing the economic turmoils and the penetration of the western democratic sense of values etc. as threats that could shake the stability of the Communist Party government, the posture of PRC President Xi Jinping’s top-down response became clear.

According to the China government managed Xinhua News Agency, besides PRC President Xi Jinping who was at the top post, Prime Minister Li Keqiang and other members who were occupying important posts of the Communist Party and the country also attended the first meeting of this Central National Security Council.

PRC President Xi Jinping made a speech to say that "the purpose of the committee is to make a unified and efficient security framework for the state which is adapting to new situations that our country is facing".

Then he directed that "for security protections, the external and the internal, the traditional and the nontraditional, all have to be considered as important". In addition to military affairs, eleven fields covering such as the economy, culture, and information were enumerated, and that "all these are to be consolidated into one single unit in the construction of the security system".

It showed that not only the military affairs, but also the monetary crisis and the turmoil in the economy etc. together with the western democratic sense of values permeated through the Internet were all regarded as threats which could shake the stability of the Communist Party government. The commencement of the Council made clear the posture of PRC President Xi Jinping’s top-down response.

It is worrying to note that western democratic sense of values permeated through the Internet would be regarded as threats to the stability of the Communist Party government.

