2014年4月5日 星期六


Yesterday the FNN News on-line reported the following:

宝塚歌劇団、創立100周年の記念式典 卒業生ら2,000人が集合
04/05 18:53

また、団員たち460人による「すみれの花咲く頃」の合唱や、100期生によるラインダンスも披露され、100周年を盛大に祝った。 (関西テレビ)

The Takarazuka Revue Company held a commemorative ceremony to celebrate its 100th anniversary and 2,000 people, including graduates etc. formed a large gathering.

The Takarazuka Revue Company celebrated the 100th anniversary in 2014. In the commemorative ceremony on the 5th, the curtain was opened with the singing by five top-name stars of active service, they were dressing the traditional hakama.

In Takarazuka Revue Company where 4,426 Takarajen'nu were born until now, about 2,000 people, such as graduates, gathered in a hall, and all immersed in an atmosphere of beauty.

At the ceremony, a performance by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii the pianist was announced, and also a message of congratulations was received from Mr. Koichi Wakata the astronaut.

Moreover, it was announced that a 460-member chorus would sing "When the violet flowers blossom" and also the 100th term students would perform the line dance. The centennial was celebrated on a grand scale.
(Kansai Television)

One hundred year is a long time for an entertainment company. It gives a chance to those girls who dream of performing on the stage. 

