2014年1月4日 星期六


Last week the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
201312302330  読売新聞)

On the problem that agricultural pesticide malathion was mixed with the frozen food manufactured by the "AQLI Foods" at the Gumma factory (Oizumi-cho, Gumma), being the subsidiary of a major food company the "Maruha Nichiro Holdings" (Tokyo), among the 20 products which the company had retrieved and investigated up to the 29th after receiving complaints, four products were newly detected with agricultural chemicals; the total number of cases that the product had confirmed mixing became nine.

The date of manufacturing of the nine cases was from October 4 to November 5. It was collected from the consumers from at least 6 prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Osaka, and Fukuoka.

On the 30th based on the Food Sanitation Law etc. Gumma Prefecture officials entered and investigated the factory to check that the factory line had been independent etc. It was shown that "a possibility of having the chemical adhered to the raw materials, or having been mixed during the usual manufacturing process is low. The view that the mixing is on purpose could not be ruled out, either". All the goods with complaints were shipped from this factory’s product storage warehouses located at three places outside the Gumma prefecture.

The Gumma Prefecture Police began its investigation with the AQLI Foods employee on the same day. According to the company, the highest value of malathion detected from goods was 15,000 ppm, which was 1,500,000 times of 0.01 ppm, being the safe standard of the country.
(23:30 on December 30, 2013    Yomiuri Shimbun)

Probably this incident could provide interesting materials for writing a detective story. I am interested to know when and how the Japanese police would crack this case.

