2013年12月18日 星期三


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

直訴600万件以上 中国 国民が政府に

1128 2032

It was showed clearly that in the past ten months the Chinese government had 6 million or more cases which people directly petitioned to the government about troubles involving compulsory land expropriation etc. in the country; it highlighted the high national dissatisfaction.

In China, other than a trial, there was a system to complain to the government so as to solve problems with residents directly. The person in charge of the government who received these direct appeals gave an interview in Beijing on the 28th (November).

In this interview, the person in charge showed clearly that the number of direct appeals received from January to October this year in total was up to 6,040,000 cases. About these direct appeals, most of them involved the compulsory expropriation of land, or that the compensation was not properly paid out by the local government.

Although it was said that the number of direct appeal was becoming fewer compared to that of last year, it highlighted the high national dissatisfaction.

Moreover, the person in charge did not show clearly that among the petitions received how many cases were resolved. On the problem that people who directly tried to petition were compulsorily hospitalized etc. by the authorities, he said that "he has not grasped the details" etc. and thus could not explain that either.

Also, outside the venue where the interview was given, about 15 people who came from various regions to make direct appeal in Beijing were gathering. They spoke to the foreign media after the interview that "even direct appeal is not granted easily" etc., expressing dissatisfaction towards the government. There was also a scene that the papers on which the petition was written to make complain were on the spot torn and thrown away by the guards who arrived at the scene.

It seems that the complain system needs some improvement.

