2013年3月21日 星期四


Last month the FNN on-line reported the following:



The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research had applied to the country for the world's first clinical study that would use the "iPS cell", a cell which could grow into various cells, to reproduce the retina of eyes.

Masayo Takahashi, the project leader of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research said that "It is compelling and I want to do it (the clinical study) because it is a very painful sickness, it comes from the whole country of Japan and I actually feel it ".

The iPS cell was developed by Professor Shinya Yamanaka of the Kyoto University, and its application in the field of regenerative medicine was expected.

The research consortium of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research aimed at its utilization by way of making an iPS cell from the skin of the patient and grew it into the cell of the retina and transplanted. In this way it could cure the sick patient who was suffering from the "exuded type age-related macular degeneration" in the eye and suffered from the loss of eyesight.

It was said that if the consent of the country was obtained, for the first time in the world the iPS cell would be transplanted into a human body. A research consortium would perform checking to know whether the cell made artificially could start some abnormalities in the body. The first operation example would be performed in 2014 at the earliest.

It is good news to those who have retinal problems in the eye.

