2011年12月31日 星期六


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:

On the 16th Jia Qinglin, the number 4 man in the Chinese Communist Party's politburo standing committee (also as the President of the People's Political Consultative Conference) had released his comments ahead of the Taiwan presidential election scheduled for January next year.

He commented that while compromising the "one China principle", "the benefits of both China and Taiwan would be affected" if the "92-year agreement" reached in 1992 between China and Taiwan was rejected. The content of these comments would check Ms. Cai Yingwen, the Chairman of the opposition party - the Democratic Progressive Party candidate who denied the agreement. It became the first occasion for the China Guidance Department to show support for the re-election of the National Party's President Ma Yingjeou.
The decision to release the discussion content was said to be an intervention in the presidential election, and could be seen as out of the worry over the fact that the possibility for the strongly independent-oriented Ms. Cai to be elected could be not be ruled out; it had the aim "to stir up Taiwan public opinion (people that had media connection in Taiwan) noting the looming possibility of a stagnation in the China-Taiwan exchange".

I think it is wise for Mainland China not to be seen interfering the presidential election in Taiwan.

