2011年12月25日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
On the 11th, the East Japan great earthquake would be nine months old since the event had happened.
The number of people on the dole had increased by 60 percent compared to last year, and the employment situation was still severe in the 3 prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima.
In January next year and thereafter, people with their grants expired were expected to begin to appear, and the creation of employment would likely become a subject. In a summary done by the National Police Agency as up to the 9th, there were 15,841 people dead, 3,493 people missing. The number of people seeking refuge went up to about 330,000.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the total number of people who received the unemployment allowance (except for extended grant) in October was 49,848 in the three prefectures. It was a 59.7% increase compared with the same month last year, being seen as due to the discontinuance of business of office as a result of the earthquake disaster, etc. Although the usual shortest grant term was 90 days, it would be extended to a maximum of 210 days as an exception.
On the other hand, it was understood that among the 42 cities, towns and villages in these three prefectures which were at the area along the shore that had suffered from the tsunami damage, and from the first nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima, 33 of them or about 80 percent had already formulated a recovery program. For those that had not done so they would made their recovery plan before the year end, as learned from the media coverage. There were 32 cities, towns and villages that were still considering whether to move to heights or inland in group.

The areas that have suffered most from the 3.11 disaster are trying to cope with the situation.

