2011年6月12日 星期日


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
In the investigation started in Fukushima Prefecture from the 1st of this month on the dosage of radiation, it had been understood that radiation of more than one micro sievert an hour was detected in 372 (equivalent to 22% of the total number) elementary and junior high schools and high schools, etc. In all municipality, the work to remove the surface soil such as at the schoolyards was sped up.
The accident of the number one nuclear plant in Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima was noted, and when the dosage of radiation of one micro sievert an hour was detected, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology almost bore the full amount of each municipality of the correspondent cost to remove the surface soil such as at the schoolyards. This was accepted, starting the 1st of this month, Fukushima Prefecture measured places within the 20-kilo in radius from the nuclear power plant and over 1700 places except for the precaution district and the premeditated shelter district were measured. Places were elementary and junior high schools, the high schools and day nurseries. As a result, the measurement was more than one micro sievert an hour in 372 places that was 22% of the total.

Although to remove the surface soil is a huge task, it is a necessary step to take in order to protect the school children from harmful radio-active materials.

