2009年9月26日 星期六


我對面鄰居的兒子今年九月開始到卑詩省內陸一個叫 Okanagan 的地方讀大學. 它是位於溫哥華東面,大約四小時多車程距離. 最近他在那裡陪伴兒子逗留了十多天後回來. 送給我相片中的生果. 計有布林,葡萄和蘋果, 都是在當地果園摘取, 物輕情意重. 因為是本地出產. 額外有親切感. 有關 Okangan 這個地方的資料, 我在一些旅行雜誌看到以下的描述:
"Canada's best known fruit belt is the Okanagan Valley. Lake water is used for irrigation and combined with huge amounts of sunshine, creates a lush garden. Apple, peaches, plums, grapes, cherries, apricots and pears, are all grown here in abundance. The area is also known for its wine-making, sandy beaches and lakes . . . It is a popular resort area."

