2009年7月2日 星期四


Recently the Japanese Jiji News reported the following:

大手コンビニエンスストアのローソンが1日、 東京都 千代田区に 喫煙ルームを備えた実験店を新規開店したことを分かった、路上喫煙や吸い殻のポイ捨てを防ざ、周辺の環境美化につなげるのが狙い。屋外に灰皿を置いているコンビニは多いが店内に喫煙専用の部屋を設けたのは業界ても初とみられる。 同店は 日比谷公園やJR新橋駅近くのオフィス街にあり, 周辺には 喫煙者も多い。喫煙ルームは飲食ザベースの奥にあり、ガラス戸で仕切って 空気清淨機やいすなど置いた。 利用時間は午前7時から午後10時まで。
A big convenient store in Japan is experimenting with the opening of a smoking room at their store, with the aims of prevent smoking on the street and discarding cigarettes butts around, and to beautify the environment. Although it is nothing new to have ash trays outside convenient stores, to assign a room inside the store for smoking is a new attempt in the industry. One branch store of this company is near the office district where there are lots of smokers. Deep inside its cafetiere corner there is a smoking room. Glass door is used to separate air circulation, air cleaning machine and chairs are installed . The room can be used from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm.

I am wondering if convenient stores in Hong Kong can consider adding such a facility at their branch shops at locations such as Central and Causeway Bay. This may help the smoking white-collar workers in the area.

