2024年3月5日 星期二

Important ocean circulation in the Atlantic Ocean is showing signs of collapse, researchers warn (1/2)

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

大西洋の重要な海洋循環、崩壊の予兆を示しつつある 研究者ら警鐘 (1/2)

2024.02.10 Sat posted at 20:07 JST

(CNN) 大西洋の海水が表層で北上し、深層で南下する大西洋子午面循環(AMOC)は既に崩壊に向かっている可能性がある――。そんな新たな報告が発表された。AMOCの崩壊は海面上昇や世界の気象に深刻な影響を及ぼし、各地で気温の急激な低下や上昇をもたらす可能性があるという。













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(CNN) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), in which ocean water moved northward at the surface and moved southward at deep down, might already be on its way to collapse. A new report had been released. The collapse of the AMOC could have a serious impact on sea level rise and global climate, leading to sharp drops or rises in temperature in various regions.

Using an extremely complex and expensive computational system, a research team discovered a new indicator (EWS) to detect AMOC's early signs of collapse, according to a study published in the US journal Science Advances on the 9th.

AMOC acted like a giant global conveyor belt. When the AMOC transported warm seawater from the tropics to the North Atlantic, the water cooled and became more salty, sinking deeper into the ocean and heading south again.

These ocean currents transported heat and nutrients to different parts of the globe, and played an essential role in keeping the climate relatively warm across a large area of the Northern Hemisphere.

Scientists had long sounded the alarm about the stability of the AMOC, as ocean warming and ice melting caused by climate change disrupted the balance of heat and salt that determined the strength of ocean currents.

Scientists believed that the effects of climate change would slow down AMOC, there were many views that there could be a possibility that it would be stopped in some situation, there were still many unknowns about when and how quickly this could happen. Continuous observation of AMOC began only in 2004.

However, by reconstructing the past using clues such as ice cores and marine sediments, we knew that the AMOC stopped more than 12,000 years ago after rapid melting of glaciers.

Researchers were currently rushing the work to find out whether something similar to this could happen again.

This new research represented an ``important breakthrough.'' So said Rene van Westen, an ocean and atmosphere researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and co-author of the paper.

The research team used a supercomputer to run a complex climate model for three months, gradually adding freshwater to the AMOC during the simulation. The addition of fresh water represented melting ice, rainfall, and inflowing river water. These diluted the salinity of seawater and was a possibility in weaken ocean currents.

By gradually increasing the amount of fresh water in the model, the AMOC gradually weakened until it suddenly collapsed. This was the first time such a complex model had confirmed AMOC collapse, and the report pointed out that it was "bad news for the climate system and for humanity."

However, the study did not provide a time frame for collapse. Van Westen pointed out the need for further research in an interview with CNN, saying that models that took into account the effects of climate change, including the progression of global warming, would also be needed.

Also, he said, "we can at least say that with climate change, we are moving towards a tipping point [of the collapse of AMOC]."

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 The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a system of surface-level and deep currents in the Atlantic Ocean which are driven both by changes in the atmospheric weather and thermohaline changes in temperature and salinity. The AMOC is characterized by a northward flow of warm, salty water in the upper layers of the Atlantic, and a southward flow of colder, deep waters. (Wikipedia)

