2024年3月19日 星期二

一名男子注射 217 次冠狀病毒疫苗後發生了什麼

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

What happened after a man got 217 coronavirus shots

Rachel Pannett, (c) 2024 , The Washington Post

Tue, March 5, 2024 at 9:32 p.m. PST

German researchers have examined a “hyper-vaccinated” man they say received more than 200 coronavirus shots without any noticeable side effects or harm to his immune system.

Their findings, published Monday in the Lancet Infectious Diseases, a medical journal, indicate that coronavirus vaccines have a “good degree of tolerability,” the researchers said, although they noted this was an isolated case of “extraordinary hyper-vaccination.”

The 62-year-old man came to researchers’ attention when German prosecutors opened up a fraud investigation, gathering evidence that he had obtained 130 coronavirus shots in a nine-month period - far more than recommended by health authorities.

“We learned about his case via newspaper articles,” Kilian Schober, one of the study’s authors, said in a statement. “We then contacted him and invited him to undergo various tests. … He was very interested in doing so.”

The man agreed to provide blood samples, including new samples, the results from past blood tests and blood samples that had been frozen in recent years.

The man said he had received 217 vaccinations for “private reasons.” German authorities did not file criminal charges.

Going into the study, the researchers had speculated that having so many shots could cause his immune system to become fatigued. Vaccines create immune memory cells that are on standby, ready to rapidly activate the body’s defenses in the event of an infection.

But in fact, the researchers found that the man had more of these immune cells - known as T-cells - than a control group that had received the standard three-dose vaccine regimen. They also did not detect any fatigue in these cells, which they said were just as effective as those of people who had received a typical number of coronavirus shots.

“Overall, we did not find any indication for a weaker immune response, rather the contrary,” said Katharina Kocher, one of the lead authors of the study.

Even by the 217th vaccination, researchers say the shot still had an effect: The man’s antibodies against the coronavirus “increased significantly as a result.” (Researchers say the man insisted on receiving another shot during the study. They took blood samples, which helped them determine how his immune system was responding.)

The researchers made it clear that despite their findings, they “do not endorse hyper-vaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity.”

Although they could not find any signs that the man had ever contracted the coronavirus, they said they weren’t able to establish a causal relationship between his “hyper-vaccination regimen” and avoiding infection.

More than 60 million people in Germany have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and most of them have received several doses.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended last month that people 65 and older get a second dose of a coronavirus vaccine made available in the fall because they are at higher risk for severe disease from the virus.

Uptake since the CDC recommended that people age 5 and older get an updated vaccine has been low - only about 22 percent of those 18 and older have received a dose of an updated vaccine. And only about 42 percent of those 65 and older have received a dose, The Washington Post previously reported.


德國研究人員對一名「過度接種疫苗」的男子進行了檢查,他們稱該男子接受了 200 多次新冠疫苗注射,並沒有任何明顯的副作用或對其免疫系統造成傷害。

研究人員表示,他們的研究結果週一發表在醫學雜誌《刺針傳染病》上,表明冠狀病毒疫苗具有 良好的耐受性 ,儘管他們指出這是一個 異常過度接種的個別案例。

當德國檢察官展開一詐欺調查時,這名 62 歲的男子引起了研究人員的注意,調查收集的證據表明,他在 9 個月內註射了 130 劑新冠疫苗,遠遠超過衛生當局建議的數量。

該研究的作者之一 Kilian Schober 在一份聲明中表示:我們通過報紙文章知悉他的案件。然後我們聯繫了他並邀請他接受各種測試。 ……他對此非常感興趣。


該男子表示,他出於「私人原因」接種了 217 種疫苗。 德國當局沒有提出刑事指控。

在研究中,研究人員推測,注射過多的疫苗可能會導致他的免疫系統疲勞。 疫苗會產生處於待命狀態的免疫記憶細胞,準備在感染時迅速啟動人體的防禦能力。

但事實上,研究人員發現,與接受標準三劑疫苗方案的對照組相比,該男子體內的免疫細胞(稱 T 細胞)更多。 他們也沒有發現這些細胞有任何疲勞,他們說這與接受典型數量的冠狀病毒注射的人的細胞一樣有效。

該研究的主要作者之一 Katharina Kocher 表示:總的來說,我們沒有發現任何免疫反應減弱的跡象,恰恰是相反。

研究人員表示,即使接種了第 217 次疫苗,注射仍然有效:該男子的冠狀病毒抗體「因此顯著增加」。 (研究人員表示,該男子在研究期間堅持要再注射一次。他們採集了血液樣本,這有助於他們確定他的免疫系統是如何反應。)



德國已有超過 6,000 萬人接種了冠狀病毒疫苗,其中大多數人已經接種了幾劑。

在美國,疾病管制與預防中心上個月建議 65 歲及以上的人接種秋季推出的第二劑冠狀病毒疫苗,因為他們會因該病毒而患嚴重疾病的風險較高。

CDC 建議 5 歲及以上人群接種更新疫苗以來,接種率一直很低 - 18 歲及以上人群中只有約 22% 接種了一劑更新疫苗。 根據《華盛頓郵報》先前報道,65 歲及以上的老年人中只有約 42% 接種過疫苗。

              So, a case report indicates that coronavirus vaccines have a “good degree of tolerability” as a “hyper-vaccinated” man who has received more than 200 coronavirus shots still without any noticeable side effects or harm to his immune system. It seems that we now know more about our immune system.


The Lancet (刺針雜誌) is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal and one of the oldest of its kind. It was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley, an English surgeon who named it after the surgical instrument called a lancet (scalpel). The journal publishes original research articles, review articles ("seminars" and "reviews"), editorials, book reviews, correspondence, as well as news features and case reports. The Lancet also publishes several specialty journals: The Lancet Neurology (neurology), The Lancet Oncology (oncology), The Lancet Infectious Diseases (infectious diseases), The Lancet Respiratory Medicine (respiratory medicine), The Lancet Psychiatry (psychiatry), The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology (endocrinology), and The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology (gastroenterology) all of which publish original research and reviews. (Wikipedia)

