2019年10月5日 星期六

Unidentified flying object sighting report - US Navy confirmed it as `` real ''

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2019.09.19 Thu posted at 10:30 JST

(CNN) 空中を高速飛行する未確認飛行物体(UFO)をとらえたとされる映像について、米海軍がようやく、未確認物体に分類していることを確認した。








(CNN) It ​​was confirmed that the U.S. Navy finally classified an unconfirmed object as an image of an unidentified flying object (UFO) flying at high speed in the air.

The unidentified object was shown in three images that had been declassified by the military. The Navy spokesman described the object as "Unidentified Aviation Phenomenon (UAP)" in a CNN interview.

The video was released from December 2017 to March 2018 : a high-performance infrared sensor captured a rectangular object that moved at high speed.

Of these, in the video taken in 2004, the object captured by the sensor suddenly accelerated and disappeared on the left side of the screen. The sensor could not keep up with the speed of the object and to discover it again was not possible.

The remaining two were both the footage taken in 2015, and contained conversations such as “Drone,” “All against the wind,” “Look!”

According to the Navy spokesman, the purpose of public information about UAP was primarily to encourage trainees to report sightings of “intrusions” into the training airspace that could threaten pilot safety.

The spokesman stressed that the published footage captured was no more than a small fraction of the intrusions that were frequently witnessed in naval training airspace. It was mentioned that “For many years, naval pilots have not reported such intrusion incidents. The reason is that traditional terms and hypotheses about things that exist or do not exist in the video have generated stereotypes that undermine the pilot's honor". He said that the only way to find out what UAP was would be to encourage trainees who have witnessed such objects to make reports.

     It is interesting to note that UFO is now called UAP in the United States.

