2019年10月25日 星期五

Among the top 10% of the world's rich people, Chinese is having the highest number of 100 million

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2019.10.22 Tue posted at 19:30 JST

保有資産の額が世界の上位10%に入る人数で中国が初めて世界トップに立った/Giulia Marchi/Bloomberg/Getty Images

ロンドン(CNN Business) スイスの金融大手クレディ・スイスが毎年、富裕層の動向をまとめている報告書の最新版によると、保有資産の額が世界の上位10%に入る人の数で中国が米国を抜き、初めて世界トップに立ったことが分かった。







2019.10.22 Tue posted at 19:30 JST
London (CNN Business) -- According to the latest edition of the Swiss financial giant Credit Suisse which reported on wealthy trends every year, it found out that regarding the number of people whose assets were in the top 10% of the world, China had overtaken the US and standing at the top of the world for the first time.

According to the report, among these top 10% asset holding people, 100 million were Chinese, surpassing 99 million Americans.

On the other hand, the number of “millionaires” with assets of more than $ 1 million (about 100 million yen) was 18.6 million in the US, accounting for 40% of the world, and China was only 4.4 million.

Assets per adult averaged was $ 432,365 in the US and $ 58,544 in China.

Looking at the distribution of wealth throughout the world, the amount held by the bottom 50% people was holding less than 1% of the world's total assets. The top 10% people own 82% of total world assets while the top 1% own nearly half.

However, excluding the top 10%, the world assets held by the population were 18%, an increase from 11% of 2000. The total assets monopolized by the top 1% had also been declining since 2016, and the concentration of wealth could had passed its peak.

     So, the world is seeing a decline in assets concentration among the people. It is surprising to note that the wealth of the Chinese has increased so much in recent years.

