2019年9月3日 星期二

The residence status of 832 people cancelled - a record high

Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:
在留資格の取り消し 832人と最多に
2019821 513







Last year, the number of foreigners in Japan whose residence status was revoked had increased to 832, more than doubling the previous year and was the highest number since the start of statistics.

According to the Immigration Office, the number of foreigners whose residence status had been revoked due to performing activities different from the application had increased to 832 last year, more than twice the previous year. It was the highest since 2005 when statistics collection started.

By type of residence status canceled, “Study Abroad” was the largest number with 412 students, accounting for nearly half of the total. It was under the background that the number of Japanese schools that accepted international students had increased rapidly throughout the country.

Regarding this, the Immigration Control Office said that it had strengthened its control over foreigners who stayed behind in Japan to work part-time after being removed from Japanese language schools or universities.

In terms of nationality and region, Vietnam had the largest number of 416, followed by China at 152, and Nepal at 62. The Immigration Office said, “I want to strengthen the countermeasures because there is a problem that international students are missing in universities in Tokyo.”

       It is surprising to know that Japan has become a popular location for the Vietnamese to stay behind to work illegally.

