2019年8月23日 星期五

Three extraterrestrial planets in 31 light years from Earth – are within the range where life can exist

Recently CNN.jp.co reported the following:
2019.08.02 Fri posted at 11:45 JST

(CNN) 米航空宇宙局(NASA)の惑星探査衛星「TESS(テス)」がこのほど、地球から31光年先に3つの系外惑星を発見した。このうち1つは、恒星から適度な距離にあって生命が存在できる「ハビタブルゾーン」内で見つかった。








(CNN) NASA's planetary exploration satellite "TESS" recently discovered three extra-solar planets 31 light years from Earth. One of them was found in a “habitable zone” where life could exist at a reasonable distance from a star.

The three extra-solar planets orbited the M-type dwarf “GJ357” in Hydra. This star was 40% cooler than the sun, and its mass and size were about one-third that of the sun. The results of the study were published this week in the astronomy journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics".

The first exoplanet found was “GJ357b”. It was 22% larger than the Earth and 80% higher in mass than the Earth, equivalent to a “Super Earth”. The distance to the star was 1/11 of the sun from Mercury, and the average temperature was estimated to be 490 degrees Celsius (about 254 degrees Celsius).

Enrique Palais the co-author of this published paper We call GJ357b ‘Hot Earth’” explained. Although life could not exist, he pointed out that it was worth noting as a transit exoplanet that was the third closest to the earth that has been found so far.

The most fascinating discovery was the Super Earth “GJ357d”, which had 6.1 times the mass of the Earth. Since it orbited a moderate distance from the star and maintained a good temperature, liquid water might exist on the surface.

According to another co-author, the star energy that GJ357d received from the main star was comparable to that of Mars in the solar system. If it had a dense atmosphere, it might contain enough water to warm the planet and liquid water on the surface.

There was “GJ357c” in between these two planets. The mass was 3.4 times that of the Earth, and the temperature was 260 degrees Celsius (about 126 degrees Celsius).

        So, NASA's planetary exploration satellite "TESS" has found something that captivates the imagination of scientists. I think thirty-one light years from Earth is a little bit too far for human to travel to at the moment.

