2019年4月20日 星期六

Banknotes renewal - 10,000-yen Eiichi Shibusawa, 5,000-yen Umeko Tsuda

Recently the Nihon Keizai Shimbun On-line reported the following:
紙幣刷新へ 1万円は渋沢栄一、5000円は津田梅子
2019/4/9 1:34 (2019/4/9 9:34更新)






The government and the Bank of Japan would renew banknotes of 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 yen (Japanese banknotes) in the first half of 2024. Finance Minister Taro Aso announced this in the morning of the 9th. It was a renewal since 2004. One thousand-yen bills design would be Kitazato Yuzaburo, 5,000-yen bills would be Tsuda Umeko, and 10,000-yen bills would Shibusawa Eiichi. It was an opportunity to stir up the climax in era change from "Heisei" to "Rekazu". Because it would generate demand needs in vending machines and other related area, it was seen as an effective stimulus.

Eiichi Shibusawa founded a number of companies including Daiichi National Bank (now Mizuho Bank) and was considered as the father of Japanese capitalism. A design change in the 10,000-yen bills from Shotoku Taiko to Fukuzawa Yukikichi was done in 1984 and was in use since then.

Umeko Tsuda was the founder of Tsuda College who focused on teaching English education to girls in particular. A five-thousand-yen bill, following the present Higuchi Ichiba, would continue to use a female figure.

Kitasato Yuzaburo was known as the father of modern medicine in Japan who had contributed greatly to the development of infectious disease prevention and bacteriology. He also had achievements in finding a plague fungus.

The latest banknotes would use the latest anti-counterfeit technology. Following the announcement of a new ear on May 1st, the government would also announce the renewal of banknotes. With the aim of improving the psychological aspect, it was expected that economic effects such as aspiration of personal consumption would be aroused.

      I am eager to know how far Japan will go in using the latest anti-counterfeit technology to print their new money.

