2015年3月6日 星期五

南韓国防白皮書: 北韓導彈有能力威脅美國本土...

 A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20150106 2257

   On the 6th (January) the Korean Ministry of Defense announced the year 2014 edition of the National Defense White Paper.

   About the military power of North Korea, it analyzed that "North Korea is presumed to possess the ability to threaten the US proper by a long-distance missile". About the miniature ability of nuclear weapon needed for loading a missile, the evaluation mentioned that "it is also thought to have reached a considerable level". Both were put on record for the first time. The people connected to the Ministry of Defense also stated that "there is no intelligence on weapon miniaturization that enable the ballistic missile to load".

   In this white paper it was pointed out that North Korea had strengthened its cyber unit intensively, and the scale was more than 6,000 people. The paper analyzed that in order to paralyze Korea psychologically and physically, the unit interfered with military strategy and attacked key state infrastructure systems. The paper supposed that the range of Taepodong Type II could reach 10,000 kilometers.

It is interesting to note the suggestion that North Korea has a cyber unit with more than 6,000 people

