2014年1月27日 星期一


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:


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The Communist Party of China had determined that the PRC Chairman Xi Jinping should take up the top post of a new national Safety Board which encompassed the overall diplomacy and security policy which included the maintenance of public order etc. domestically; the concentration of the power to Chairman Xi was speeding up.

The Communist Party made this decision at the meeting of the Guidance Department opened on the 24th.

The National Safety Board explained the reason for this new installation and announced the plan made in the Communist Party’s major session in November last year to establish it, saying that the PRC Chairman Xi Jinping "is faced with the double pressure in the country: diplomatically, in the maintenance of sovereignty of the country etc. and domestically, in politics and social stability; and there is a pressing need to guide unified measures now". Increasing sense of crisis were felt in the situation in Korean Peninsula, in the confrontation with Japan involving the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture etc. and the expansion in gap on human rights including the question of dissatisfied people involving racial problems etc. This establishment showed a strengthening of the capability to quickly cope with sudden incidents, such as conflicts and terrorism.

It was expected that the committee would become an organization which encompassed diplomacy and security policy, including domestically the maintenance of public order etc. Chairman Xi would grasp the authority at the top post.

In addition to this, in order to carry out reform in various fields starting from the economy, Chairman Xi had also taken the top post of an instruction group newly established in intra-party, and the concentration of power to Chairman Xi was increasing.

     My feeling is that unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.

