2014年1月14日 星期二


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
2014160556  読売新聞)

It became clear on the 5th that the government was considering making the Japanese history in the high school a compulsory school subject.

Although Japanese history was an elective subject now, as the number of Japanese who played an active role overseas had increased, it was judged that the history of its own country should fully be studied and the number of talented people who understand history should be increased. The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology also in this summer would inquire the Central Council for Education (C C E) about amending the government guidelines for teaching in the high school. Through textbook screening etc. Japanese history could become a compulsory subject as early as from the fiscal year 2019.

In the amendment of the government guidelines for teaching in 1989, "Society" of the high school was divided into "Geography History" and "Civic"; and in the World History, "Geography History" was a compulsory subject while Japanese history became a selective with Geography. Although before the amendment, Japanese history, World History, and Geography were selective subjects, as a result of giving priority to "corresponding to internationalization", the trend of "neglecting Japanese history" spread at the school campus. According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it was expected that currently 30 to 40 percent of high school students could graduated without studying Japanese history.

I think History is an interesting subject. U.S. historian Theodore Stephen Hamerow (1920 - 2013) once said “History appears at present to be a science in technique but an art in interpretation, objective in analysis, subjective in perception, logical or systematic in structure, but intuitive or imaginative in outlook”. 

