2013年12月5日 星期四


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

20131120日 1311
[ピーナット島(米フロリダ州) 19日 ロイター] -米フロリダ州東部の小島に設置されたジョン・F・ケネディ米元大統領用の核シェルターが博物館として利用され、暗殺から丸50年となるのに合わせて再び注目を集めている。
      Regarding the bomb shelter for the former U.S. president John F. Kennedy installed on the island located at east of the U.S. Florida state that was used as a museum, it attracted attention again because it would be 50 years since the assassination.

This shelter was located on the Peanut Island near Palm Beach, a beach where the Kennedy family used as a location to spend their winter vacations; a presidential desk, a conference desk and 15 beds etc. were set up in the main rooms.

Military ration, water, and a radiation detection device etc. were stored. When a nuclear attack occurred, it was said that the Kennedy family and the 30 main staff were able to live for one month.

Although the island had not been open to the public for a long time, the Palm Beach maritime museum which borrowed this site was open in 1999, using the shelter as a museum. According to Mr. Anthony Miller of the museum who managed the institution, the former president said that he had once performed a training which actually took refuge in this shelter.

Next time when I travel to the US, probably I will visit this museum.

