2013年12月13日 星期五


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

製造業進出先 中国トップ転落

122 410

Through the questionnaires, every year a government financial agency surveyed the countries which were considered as the promising place to advance Japan's manufacturing industry; China which was at the top for 21 consecutive years had fallen to the 4th place for the first time, and the ranking of countries in Southeast Asia rose instead.

The Japan Bank for International Cooperation conducted this investigation every year for companies in the manufacturing industry in Japan which had marched out to the overseas, 488 companies replied to it this year.

According to it, Indonesia, for about three years the country which most companies had mentioned as a promising place to advance was at the top for the first time, moving up from the 3rd place of last year.

India was at the 2nd place which was the same as last year. Thailand advanced to the 3rd place from the 4th place of last year, and China which was at the top for 21 consecutive years until last year fell to the 4th place for the first time.

It was said that when asked about the reasons the companies that did not choose China, many companies mentioned about the rise of personnel expenses and the difficulties in ensuring the supply of labor force. The increase in the political risk due to the aggravation of Japan-China relations was also mentioned by many companies.

While China dropped in the ranking, the nine countries of the ASEAN= Association of Southeast Asian Nations moved into the top 20 places.

Japan Bank for International Cooperation Section Chief Shinji Ayuba said "although the ASEAN region has been utilized as a production base, when Japanese companies begin to review that flexibly, it may be a very promising market location also as a result".

It seems that Japan is reducing its investments in China.

