2013年4月7日 星期日


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:


毎日新聞 20130327日 1956分(最終更新 0327日 2007分)







   The summarized analysis result done by the U.S. University of Washington and the University of Tokyo research team that was released it to the English medicine magazine Lancet (electronic edition) had shown that lumbago was the top illness and obstacle that posed a threat to the Japanese towards "to be healthy and long living". Suicide was also included in the rankings at the top. The team said that "the health of the Japanese as the world’s number one long life people is beginning to shake. It is shown that even if people could live longer, the period which they suffer from illness etc. is prolonged".

   Japan's analysis was conducted based on the population census of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare etc. Health was analyzed in consideration of the years cut short due to death that was earlier than the life expectancy, and the years which there was obstacle in health, together with the degree of the burden of the illness etc on health. Although this technique did not link directly to death, it could clarify how the illness and the obstacle interfered with everyday life, and cut short the healthy life expectancy.

   The result showed that in 2010 "lumbago" had the heaviest level of burden; it was followed by stroke, ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction etc.), pneumonia, musculoskeletal disorder such as osteoarthritis, lung cancer, and suicide. In the analysis in 1990, the top 3 in ranking order were stroke, lumbago, and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, suicide occupied 27% of the cause of death for the young age group (15-49 years old), being a sharp increase from 16.5% in 1990, and was also a rapid increase in the world.

   Furthermore, "eating habit" was pointed out as the most important factor that served as a backdrop to such a threat. It was said that the Japanese-style food had low calorie and high salt content, and it ran short of fruit and nuts, and it had the problem of biased nutrients. The 2nd and further down places were high blood pressure, smoking (second-hand smoke was included), lack of exercise, and overweight.

   According to the team, in 2010 the life expectancy of the Japanese was 82.6 years old while the healthy life expectancy was 73.1 years old (man-and-woman average). Kenji Shibuya the professor of the University of Tokyo (International Health Political Science) who was the in charge of the analysis said that "the government does not seem to tackle the national healthy subject effectively. If the measures against the problems that accompany aging, such as improvements in the meal, prohibition of smoking, and the measures against lumbago, and together with no further advancement in the psychiatric disorder policy etc. that aims at the prevention suicide, then the seat of the world's No.1 in healthy long-life probably could not be maintained."

It seems that changes in life style among the Japanese have reduced the healthy long life expectancy of the people.

