2011年12月29日 星期四


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

The new regulations on the amount of radioactive cesium that could be allowed in food had come into shape; on the 20th the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare regarding the newly established "the food for babies" such as powdered milk proposed to be at 50 Bq per km, and "milk" such as powdered milk that children often drank should also be at the 50 Bq. The "drinking water", with its many general intakes had the most severe control and it was set at 10Bq; the present "green stuff", "cereals", and "meat, egg, and fish and others" 3 categories were lumped into one category called "common food" and was set at 100 Bq.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in October based on the maximum dose of radioactivity in calculating the regulated value, decided to reduce the amount from the 5-mm sievert per year to a 1-mm sievert. In connection with this, the regulated value on food was 200 to 500 Bq per km stricter than the regulated value now in force.

Specifically, since children were highly susceptible to radioactive materials, "the food for babies" and "milk" were the set at 50 Bq, being half the amount for common food. "Drinking water" was set at 10 Bq based on the indicator of WHO (World Health Organization). All proposals would be sent to the radioactive material measure committee of the Council on Drugs and Food Sanitation held on the 22nd. If accepted, the Radiation Council of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology would do enquiry, performing opinion collection from people, and aimed at their enforcement in April next year.

Probably these new safety standards could ease the worry of some people in Japan. I am wondering whether the milk powder for babies sold overseas would be subjected to the same standard.

