2011年9月30日 星期五


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
Prime Minister Noda conferred with President Aquino of the Philippines who was visiting Japan, bearing in mind China's sea advancement, both countries were in agreement to focus on strengthening their cooperation in marine defense.
Prime Minister Noda and President Aquino of the Philippines talked together in the Prime Minister official residence on the night of 27th, and they held the press conference together after their discussion. In this, Prime Minister Noda said that "The Philippines and Japan are sharing a fundamental sense of values and strategic interest. It is a big success to regard the relation of both countries as strategic partnership." Moreover, President Aquino said "Both sides would cooperate over marine security as both are maritime states", it was clearly shown that both countries would strengthen cooperation and were in agreement to focus on marine defense. In the "strategic partnership" join statement which both leaders had signed, reinforcement of cooperation between the defense authorities was included. It covered cooperation of the marine security organizations of both countries, such as dispatching Japan Coast Guard patrol vessel to the Philippines, and the mutual visit of chief of staff of the Maritime Self Defense Force and the naval commander of the Philippines etc.
It was the Philippines that Japan made a start to tie itself to the joint cooperation statement with Asian nations to strengthen marine defense. As for its background, it could be seen as having the aim of checking the movement of China, who had activated its sea activity in South China Sea and the East China Sea.

It seems that the Philippines is looking for military co-operation with other countries in Asia so as to withstand the pressure from China.

