2011年8月20日 星期六


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
Under the influence of events such as the fishing boat collision off the coast of Senkaku Islands and the accidents at the number one nuclear plant in Fukushima, it was understood from the public opinion poll done in the two countries that the number of Japanese who did no have a good impression of China was about 80%, while the Chinese who had a bad impression of Japan was about 2/3, both were the worst since 2005 .

The public opinion poll was done this year from June to last month in China by a government newspaper, and in Japan by an incorporated nonprofit organization; it was answered by 1000 people in Japan and by 1540 people in China. The impression of the Japanese on China was that "It was not good" and "If anything, it is not good" was up to 78%; the impression of the Chinese on Japan was "It was not good" and "If anything, it is not good" was up to 66%; both were the worst since the starting of this inquire in 2005. There were several reasons for the Japanese to have a bad impression of China, the most popular one was that the "Response of a Chinese government last September over the fishing boat collision event that occurred off the coast of Senkaku Islands" and it was 65%; the 3rd popular reason was that "The action over securing such as the resources is egocentric" and that had 52%. The reason why the Chinese did not have good impression of Japan was due to the perception of history such as that "China was invaded before"and it still was the major reason; while 41% was over the "Response of Japanese Government towards the number one nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima". On the other hand, 49% of Chinese who had a good impression of Japan answered that "Being impressed by the Japanese solidarity as seen in the East Japan great earthquake".

I hope both governments could do something to improve the situation.

