2009年7月26日 星期日


Recently Yomiuri News reported the following:

25日午前8時40分頃、岐阜県関市旭ヶ丘の同県警関署旭ヶ丘交番に、「母親を殺した」と男が出頭してきた。同署員が男の自宅を確認したところ、ベッドで頭から血を流して死亡している女性を発見。男が殴ったことなど認めたため、殺人容疑で緊急逮捕した。発表によると、逮捕されたのは同市仲町、自転車販売業野沢伸一容疑者(60)。死亡していたのは、野沢容疑者と同居していた母、静さん(83)。調べに対し、野沢容疑者は「午前5時頃、母親を殺そうと首を絞めたが, 死ななかったので、モンキーレンチで殴った。寝たきりの母の介護に疲れていた」と供述しているという。同署は静さんの遺体を解剖し、詳しい死因を調べる。野沢容疑者は、静さんと2人暮らし。約5年前から静さんを介護していた。近所の住民は、「車いすを押しを病院に連れて行ったり、お風呂に入れたり、獻身的に介護をしていたまじめな人だった」と驚きを隠せない様子だった。

In the morning on the 25th at about 8.40 am, a man in the Gifu prefecture reported to the police station claiming that he had killed his mother. The police visited his house and found in bed a dead women with blood bled from the head. The man admitted hitting the woman and was quickly arrested. According to a report, the arrested male (60 years old) was in automobile business. The deceased was his mother (83 years old) who had been living with him. According to the investigation, the suspect said that "in the morning at about 5 am, I tried to strangle my mother, but because she did not die so I hit her with a wrench. I am tired of looking after my bedridden old mother". Police would carry out the autopsy and investigate the cause of death. The suspect and the deceased lived together, and five years ago the suspect began looking after his mother. People living nearby were surprised, they said that the man used wheelchair to take her to the hospital, and helped her to have a bath, he truly devoted to looking after her.
This is a sad story. Recently in the Hong Kong newspaper I read a similar sad story too. In court a 41 years old man was charged with trying to murder his 87 years old father in the hospital. The son had been visiting the hospital every day to look after the father who had chronic illnesses.

2 則留言:

  1. 愛之極深。解除痛苦是至愛之道,凡人不能為。

  2. These stories lead me to think of a few sentences from a song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney: "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?"
