2009年7月11日 星期六


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

8日午後4時45分頃、山梨県笛吹市御坂町下黑駒, 廃棄物回收 リサイクル会社鈴健興業の從業員男性 (29)が ' ゴミ選別中に大量の1万円札を見つけた’ と110番した. 笛吹署の発表によると、從業員らが同社工場の '吹笛リサイクルプラント’のベルトコンベヤーで、 収回したゴミをプラスチックや紙類に選別していたところ、ゴミに交ざった1万円札 が百數十枚 流れてきたという。ゴミは県外のゴミ収集車が持ち込んで来た。 同署で 拾得物として現金の所有者を捜している。

In the afternoon on the eighth of this month, in a recycle plant at the Yamanashi Prefecture a twenty-nine years old worker dialed 110 to report to the police that a large amount of ten thousand yen bills were found. According to the police report, this company, when trying to separate plastic and paper objects, at their conveyor belt they saw over one hundred numbers of ten thousand yen bills slowly moving together with the rubbish. The rubbish was brought there by rubbish collecting cars from outside the province. The police treated this as a lost and found case and was looking for the owner of the money.
Sometimes Japanese may handle their cash in different unthinkable ways. Not long ago I heard from the news in Japan that someone put cash inside envelops and deposited them to strangers' house. Interesting!

