Recently reported the following:
32億年前の地球衝突で海を沸騰させた巨大隕石、「肥料爆弾」と呼ばれる理由とは (2/2)
2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST
The giant meteorite that boiled the oceans when it
collided with Earth 3.2 billion years ago: why it's called a "fertilizer
bomb" (2/2)
2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST
However, the situation in the deep sea was different from
that above the sea. The tsunami stirred up elements such as iron and brought
them to the surface. Erosion also washed away coastal trash, releasing the
phosphorus contained in the meteorite. Laboratory analysis has shown that
immediately after the meteorite's impact, single-celled organisms that used
iron and phosphorus as a source of nutrition rapidly increased.
According to Drabon, the life that was formed recovered quickly and then thrived.
"Even before the meteorite's impact, there were some organisms in the ocean, but not many. This was because in shallow waters there was a shortage of nutrients and electron donors such as iron," Dravon said, and continued:
"But the impact released important nutrients, such as phosphorus, on a global scale. One student described the impact as a 'fertilizer bomb.' Overall, this is very good news for the evolution of early life on Earth. That's because meteorite impacts were much more frequent in the early stages of the evolution of life than they are today."
Different impact effects
The impacts of S2 and the Chicxulub asteroid had different
outcomes, due to the size of the meteorites and the different environments on
Earth at the time of impact, Drabon explained.
The Chicxulub impactor struck the Earth's carbonate platform, releasing sulfur into the atmosphere. This sulfur formed aerosols that caused a sudden and extreme drop in surface temperatures.
And while many life forms were killed in both impacts, Drabon speculated that after the S2 impact, the tough, sunlight-dependent microorganisms that lived in shallow waters would have recovered quickly after the oceans refilled and the dust sank.
"Life was by far much simpler when the S2 hit," Dravon said, adding, "Brushing your teeth in the morning might remove 99.9 percent of the bacteria in your mouth, but by the evening it's all back."
So, according
to the latest theory, the impacts of S2 and the Chicxulub asteroid had
different outcomes, due to the size of the meteorites and the different
environments on Earth at the time of impact. While many life forms were killed
in both impacts, scientists speculate that after the S2 impact, the microbes
living in shallow waters could recover quickly, and single-celled organisms
that use iron and phosphorus as a source of nutrition rapidly increased. Apparently,
S2 has turned an important chapter in the development of life on earth.